




A word from Lizard: This website is to recognize the members of our club. It will also give the credit to some of the ones that started our sport of Buckskinning on its climb to being a national sport, and adding thousands of members to the NMLRA. The ‘Old Timers’ as we call them, created Rendezvous, went to Rendezvous, supported the NMLRA, and became historians themselves. All this was done for one reason. It was fun to do. As Blue Jacket said, ” we had no idea that the Rendezvous would grow to be as big as they did and spread all over the country . We were all just out having fun together.” How simple life was in those days.

Hopefully we can bring some light to you all in some of these Old Timers. Who they were, what they looked like, how they dressed, the guns they shot and the different gear they wore while they were ‘just having fun.’


This website will also include pictures of Rendezvous from the past to present. As I went through box after box of pictures to post here, they brought back a lot of good memories. But some pictures brought the tears also. Like the Picture of Carl Dyer and I at one of the NMLRA Westerns. Carl was and still is a friend of mine even thought Carl is no longer with us. I still love him.

My job was the pictures correct lighting and resizing. I also wrote what is under the pictures. Straight information. joking around comments or whatever came to mind.  With that in mind, I know there will be comments like, “it looks like Lizard’s site instead of the Widowmakers.”. My comment to that is, Jam it! In fact this site belongs to the Old Timers. Weren’t for them, it wouldn’t be here.

Well, I hope you all like what we have done here. This website id dedicated to Buckskinners. The ones before us, the ones who are with us no more, Buckskinners of the present and future. “Remember our roots. The NMLRA.” –Lizard





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